The terrain consists of long and uninterrupted stretches of white sand beaches, high primary sand dunes, coastal forests, inland flood plains and numerous lakes and accompanying marshlands, making it an ideal area in which to walk or hike.

One can walk for miles along the pristine beaches going south toward Ponta do Ouro or north towards Mimoli or even Dobella for the really adventurous.

Inland the walks are all primitive and along sand roads. The terrain off the sand roads is grassland but in places very marshy as a result of the large numbers of inland lakes, flood planes & marsh areas. There are not yet any formal hiking paths so, for the adventurous, off-road hiking is very much of a pioneering experience.


Dolphins & Whales

Scuba diving


Swimming & beaches

Walking & hiking

Bird watching

Elephant park

4 x 4

Fly fishing

Surf fishing

Deep sea angling

| Our FacilitiesĀ  | Activities
| How to getĀ  there | How to book | Tariffs
| Healthcare & Medical
| What to Bring | Important Contact Numbers

Contact: Val Cuzen
Phone: (27) (11) 728 4942
Cell (27) (0)83 309 3469
Fax: (27) (11) 728 2517
E Mail [email protected]