Suggested actions in the event of a snake bite

  • Attempt to identify the snake responsible
  • Reassure the bite victim  -  Death from snake bite in this day and age is very unusual
  • Move the victim out of the sun and under shade
  • Lie them down in a coma position  -  on their side with knees on top of each other and bent, head resting on the arm
  • Cover them with a blanket to keep them warm but not hot
  • If the victim is thirsty, fluids may be given
  • Bind the entire bitten limb in a series of elasticised bandages (the kind usually used for strapping up sprained ankles. Start at the extremities. Check the extremities, if they turn blue, red or white, the bandages is too tight.
  • Once the bandages are in position, the limb should be immobilised by attaching a splint (in the case of a leg bite) or a sling (in the case of a bite on the hand). The victim should not be allowed to use the bitten limb.
  • Seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Suggested treatment in respect of "spitting" 

Venom on unbroken, healthy skin will have no effect however should venom dribble into a fresh cut or scratch, treat it as a bite. Venom in the eyes will cause an immediate burning pain and blindness.

  • Irrigate the eyes immediately with any bland liquid (preferably water) and wash the venom out. Permanent blindness is highly unlikely to result if treated correctly although the eyes will remain puffy and photosensitive for several days afterwards.
  • Seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

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Phone: (27) (11) 728 4942
Cell (27) (0)83 309 3469
Fax: (27) (11) 728 2517
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